South Africa Co-Generation

South Africa

South Africa Co-Gens are two captive industrial gas co-generation project located inside the fence of two large South African metal smelting industries.

The South Africa Co-Gens are developed by eleQtra in partnership with South African developer G2P. The projects will provide reliable inside the fence electricity and steam to a large industrial off-taker.

The South African electricity market has become un-predictable both in terms of pricing and in terms of supply reliability. Process off gas is providing the smelting industry with a valuable tool to manage risk in this changing environment. eleQtra provides off balance sheet inside the fence solutions allowing industrial companies to benefit from cost savings without locking up capital and management resources that is better allocated to core business.

The projects uses off gas, mainly consisting of carbon monoxide, and excess natural gas to produce electricity (46 and 30 MW respectively) in gas engines and steam (15 tonnes/hour) in heat recovery boilers.

South Africa Co-Generation

South Africa
